What Health Issues Are More Common in Men?

Men have distinct risks for certain health problems, so it's important to know what they are. That way, you can be more proactive about your health and take preventive steps to keep you healthy.

The top health issues that affect men are heart disease, cancer, and unintentional injury. Thankfully, most of these diseases are treatable and can be prevented.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

A person with ED may have problems establishing or maintaining an erection. Usually, this condition is caused by an issue with blood flow to the penis. Often, these issues can be the result of health conditions like heart disease and high blood pressure or can be the consequence of an injury or surgery in the pelvic area.

It’s important to remember that ED is a common health problem that can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender. If you experience erection problems, you should see your doctor right away to find the best treatment for your situation.

Most ED cases are due to physical causes, though there are some cases where mental issues are involved as well. For example, depression and other emotional illnesses can cause or contribute to erectile dysfunction. Other factors, such as performance anxiety or relationship conflicts, may also contribute to ED. Fildena 100 and Vidalista 20 help with Erectile Dysfunction.

Having problems obtaining or keeping an erection can affect a man’s quality of life, his ability to function socially and in his career, and his sexual relationships with his partner. It can also lead to lower self-esteem and feelings of unworthiness or lack of attractiveness.

There are several treatments for erectile dysfunction, including medication, dietary changes, and lifestyle adjustments. A urologist can help you decide on the right course of action and prescribe the appropriate medications, if necessary.

One type of ED treatment is called a penile prosthesis. This is a device that looks similar to a sex cup, but is designed to give you a firmer, more reliable erection. It’s surgically inserted into your penis and has an inflatable rod with a pump that inflates during sexual intercourse.

Another ED treatment is testosterone therapy. This is a hormone replacement treatment that can be used to treat or prevent ED by increasing the amount of natural testosterone in your body.

Testosterone is a sex hormone that stimulates the release of other hormones, such as epinephrine (adrenaline) and prolactin, which can promote the production of an erection. It can also reduce the effects of aging on testosterone levels and improve sex function.

Read Also: What You Need to Know Before You Take Testosterone

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that in 2018 STI rates in the United States climbed to record highs. This was driven by increased rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis.

STIs affect people of all ages, races and sexual orientations. Most STIs can be cured and, in many cases, prevented by getting treatment. However, lack of education and stigma are barriers to seeking help for STIs.

Most STIs are bacterial infections and can be treated with medications that work to reduce symptoms and prevent infection. They also help to interrupt the transmission of infection and prevent re-infection.

A health care professional can diagnose STIs by asking personal questions and taking fluid samples from the vagina or penis. They may also perform laboratory tests to check for bacterial or viral infections.

Some STIs can cause serious and long-lasting problems, including infertility, pelvic pain, and the spread of infection to unborn children. In addition, STIs can increase the risk of developing HIV infection.

Getting tested for STIs is the best way to protect yourself and your partner from these diseases. It’s also the best way to know what you have and whether or not you need treatment.

Get tested for STIs at regular times and ask any new sexual partners to do the same. This can be done at a sexual health clinic or with your GP.

Avoid sex with someone who has an STI and limit the number of sex partners you have in any one relationship. This is especially important for women, who have a higher risk of having an STI.

It’s also important to use a condom with every sex session, even if you don’t have a lot of symptoms. This can prevent sex-related infection and can save you money on sex tests.

Vaccines can also be used to prevent certain types of STIs. The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is especially helpful for preventing genital warts. It’s recommended for teens or young adults, but is available to everyone at any age who wants it.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

STIs (sexually transmitted diseases) are infections that are passed from one person to another through contact with bodily fluids. They are caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites that can enter the body through the mouth, nose, or genitals.

Infections can be a serious health issue, but there are ways to prevent them. The most important thing you can do is get tested regularly for STIs and practice safer sexual behaviors.

Many STIs are treatable with antibiotics. Other STIs may require antiviral medication to suppress the symptoms of the disease and keep it from coming back.

Some STIs can lead to more severe complications, such as infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease. In addition, women who are infected with chlamydia or gonorrhea can transmit the infection to their children through the placenta.

Most STIs can be prevented by practicing safer sex, getting tested, and receiving preventive vaccines. Men who have sex with men are at a higher risk of getting Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B, so getting vaccinated is an important part of preventing these diseases.

Having a sexually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner is also an important way to reduce your risk of contracting a STI. It’s also important to make sure your partner knows about the risks of STDs and gets tested often.

You can also use condoms during vaginal, oral and anal sex. You can also ask your doctor for advice on how to avoid sexually transmitted diseases.

The most common STDs in the United States are chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes and HPV. You can prevent chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea by getting tested regularly.

There are many factors that can increase your risk of getting an STI, including age, gender, sexual networks and social environment. Young people under the age of 25 are at the highest risk. They also tend to share needles and are more likely to be a member of a high-risk sexual network, which can put them at risk of acquiring an STI or HIV.

Having an uninfected partner is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of contracting an STI. But if you do have an STI, you need to get treatment and stay in the doctor’s office until it is fully cured.


Cancer is a disease that causes cells to change and behave in an abnormal way. It typically starts with mutations (changes) in important genes that control how cells grow, reproduce, and spread.

Men are more likely to get some types of cancer than women. But often, those differences aren't completely explained by risk factors like age and family history, researchers find. Instead, a genetic explanation has emerged:

In a recent study, investigators found that a number of types of leukemia (blood cancer) in men are linked to gene mutations on tumor-suppressor genes located on the X chromosome. These genes normally stop the rampant cell division that triggers cancer.

But when those genes are damaged, they become unregulated and allow cancer cells to invade surrounding tissue. They even begin to secrete enzymes that aid their migration and growth.

These cancer-causing cells also mutate more quickly than normal cells, which is what allows them to develop into tumors. This type of mutation is called an "oncogenic event."

The biggest disparity in the rate of cancer development occurred in the head and neck, where men were more than twice as likely to develop a cancer than women. In addition, men had a higher risk of developing bladder, esophageal, and lung cancers.

When men develop these cancers, they may not experience pain or other symptoms until the disease has advanced. This can make it difficult for them to recognize it, and to seek help for it early.

Another difference between men and women is that prostate cancer is more common in men than in women. This is a good reason for men to get regular screenings.

Unlike many other health issues, cancer is often curable if diagnosed and treated early. But if left untreated, it can lead to death.

In the United States, prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in men and the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths after lung cancer. But if it is caught in its earliest stages, the five-year survival rate is nearly 100%.
